Streaming on Ustream platform
The name of the channel, will be available to the user, i.e. this name will be commonly used as a link.
Now, your streaming channel has been successfully created. You can go back to the Reckeen3D system.
In Reckeen3D, start the 3D Production module, click on Options and then on Configuration and Streaming. Select Ustream platform from the drop-down menu and click on the Open the website icon beside it.
Log into the account you’ve created earlier, and then select Channel Settings from the drop down list.
Select the Broadcast Settings tab from the drop-down list. Then click on the View icon in the Encoder settings section.
A window: Encoder settings is displayed then. There is some data to be copied to your Reckeen3D system in the Manual Entry section.
You should copy and paste the RTMP URL and Channel Key for fields: Address and Stream.
But in Ustream platform you don’t have to do this way. Ustream website provides a ready XML File with the data. To download this file, click on the link in the Flash Media Encoder XML File section. After clicking a link on the page, save the settings file on your hard drive. Choose the location for the file in the Save file window.
Now, open the Reckeen3D Configuration window and go to the Streaming tab. Click on Import FMLE profile and open the previously saved file from the chosen location. The fields Address and Stream in the Reckeen3D Configuration window will be then filled automatically with the data from the file. Confirm by clicking on the Ok button.
Now, you can start streaming by clicking on the Stream icon located on the production screen. When a need arises, you can always load the streaming settings from a file by clicking on the Import FMLE profile. To be able to watch your production live on the Internet, you just have to provide a user with a link Channel URL . The Link is located in section Channel info under Channel name.
Clicking on this link will open a website address along with a player’s window where you can watch this production.