Adjusting virtual camera V/C position around the talent in Orbit movement

Select a virtual cameraman, V/C 3 for example. You start with one initial camera shot (preferably one where the camera is facing the Talent directly). The desired distance between the camera and the Talent is set with a mouse scroll (that is with ‘riding the camera trolley’ forwards and backwards). This will be a radius of a circle, a center of which is the Talent. With a left-click, select your object, which highlights in red. Remember not to move the mouse at the same time, as it won’t select the object, it will only change the view.
With a left mouse button set a desired height of camera’s view vertically. Now use Lock axis function and block X and Z axes (see the picture below) to get an Orbit motion solely along a circular track without changing the height of the camera.
Execute camera’s Orbit motion (rotate) around the Talent with a right-click and select the first shot.
Make a clone of this shot. Then, in a new shot, move the cameraman to the next position using the right mouse button. Set the desired camera position.
Make another clone and repeat the steps to get a satisfactory number of camera positions. The more camera shots you create, the more accurately the camera will move along a circular track.
In this case, 6 camera shots, that will rotate around the Talent, were chosen.
As all the shots are Camera 1 shot clones, they have the same name. If you want to change them – use the Rename button. Six camera shots were created for the virtual cameraman V/C 3, starting from the left side of the studio and ending on its right side, all the time moving along a circular track. You can see the last shot in the picture. Picture below